Aaron Gannon is a Qigong Instructor, Breathwork Facilitator and Sound & Color practitioner based in Northern New Mexico & Southern California.
He is dedicated to discovering
the Light, Love and Power within and beyond, through the sacred sciences of qi, breath, sound, color, and movement...and Be-ing.
He has facilitated the work around the world - from Switzerland with Gregg Braden to San Diego with the Trees, and online via EarthSkySchedule.com, a donation-based consciousness exercise studio he created to help anyone discover daily practices they resonate with.
Aaron discovered his healing and extrasensory gifts - innate and unique to all humans - during a spiritual awakening in Asia where he first experienced sound healing and a noble silence
meditation. An energy went through
his body and field that sparked a desire to journey within and beyond the five senses to realizations of how connected I, We, All are.
Aaron honors his many Guides who have introduced him to this revolutionary Breath of soundcolor-scape for healing and self-realization during this incredible time in human history.
Aaron enjoys singing, playing his monochord, gardening, qigong, running, biking and being guided by his two WONDERful nieces.
Aaron with Gregg Braden, facilitating breathwork for Braden's 4 day workshop in Switzerland

Offices in:
Santa Fe: 1219 Luisa Street, #3A
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Taos: email for address
Available everywhere:
Via Zoom